AMY’S SNOW JOB The Boulevard has created an original, locally created playlet that showcases some of Milwaukee’s finest theatrical and artistic talent.  This witty satire on recent judicial events marks  Boulevard’s debut into the online performance sector. This charming short piece is entitled AMY’S SNOW JOB and is written by Milwaukee’s favorite triple threat talent (actor, director, writer) David Flores and…


THE REALISTIC JONESES May 9-18, 2019 Directed by: Mark Bucher  In THE REALISTIC JONESES, acclaimed New York playwright Will Eno (author of such critically-acclaimed plays as THE FLU SEASON, MIDDLETOWN, TITLE AND DEED, THOM PAIN) crafts a quirky comedy where the older, ailing “Bob” (Milwaukee actor David Ferrie) and his loyal, exhausted wife “Jennifer” (local actress Sandra Hollander) meet their…