Feb 5-16, 2014
Directed by: David Oswald
Snowed in overnight at a middle-America airport, college lovers Elena Carson and Reed McAllister have an unexpected and life-altering reunion. Elena has stayed true to her hippie-ish, counter-culture path, while Reed has gone predictably corporate and conservative. As the night gives way to laughter, banter, remembrance and alcohol, Elena and Reed revisit a past that holds more surprises than they imagined-and a present that neither of them could have predicted. Filled with laughter and ache, SHOOTING STAR is a bittersweet romantic comedy about the middle days of our lives, and how we got there.
Jaime Jastrab (“Reed”) is a familiar and welcome face to both Boulevard and Milwaukee audiences. His work with the Boulevard has included classical authors, such as William Shakespeare (“Oberon” in A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM) as well as emerging modern playwrights (“Joseph” in Kim Rosenstock’s raucous satire TIGERS BE STILL).
Anita Domnitz (“Elena”) has performed many times with the Boulevard Theatre. Her most recent performance charmed Milwaukee audiences in the Boulevard’s sold-out staging (February, 2013) of Joe DiPietro’s delightful and moving tale of delayed love, THE LAST ROMANCE.

Thursday, May 29, 2014
Join the wacky and wonderful “Dear Ruthie” for a night of entertaining BINGO and prizes at Hamburger Mary’s Bayview. Bingo starts promptly at 8PM, but Hamburger Mary’s fills up fast, so we recommend coming early for dinner or drinks! A portion of the evening’s proceeds go towards Boulevard.
Sat, June 14, 2014
The final list of readers includes:
Mark Anderson
Debra Babich
David Flores
Bill Jackson
Isabelle Kralj
Janet Peterson
Ruth Schudson
Ericka Wade
Nigel Wade
Michelle Waide
Carol Zippel
July 20 & 27, 2014
Directed by: Mark Bucher
Boulevard Theatre bids “farewell” to its Kinnickinnic location with a staged reading
of British playwright Enid Bagnold’s delightful dramatic comedy. This beguiling play tells the tale of a wayward child, a domineering grandmother and a fractured British household.
The playwright adds a mysterious governess with both a shady past and a very green thumb,and also includes a butler with a criminal background, and then tosses in a surprise visit by an English judge. The result is a humorous harvest which blossoms with wit and affection. Bagnold cleverly blends witty comedy with a true mystery. An unusual play which has a women for its “hero” and was leap years ahead of itself. It hints at the absurd styles of Pinter while providing droll comedy ala Oscar Wilde or George Bernard Shaw. THE CHALK GARDEN is an overlooked literary jewel which undeniably deserves a “rediscovery!” And with such a superb cast, who on earth can argue that point? The cast is made up of some of Milwaukee’s most esteemed talent, including:
- Michelle Waide as “Mrs. St. Maughm”
- Terry Tuttle as “Miss Madrigal”
David Flores as “Maitland” - with
- Howard Goldstein as “the Judge”
- Ericka Wade as “Olivia”
- Alison Pogorelc as “Laurel”
- Jamieson Krampf as the “Third Applicant”
- Ruth Shlimovitz as the “Second Applicant”

Gideon’s Knot
October 3-12, 2014
Directed by: Patricia Durante
Boulevard Theatre Presents the Wisconsin premiere of GIDION’S KNOT
ALL PERFORMANCES AT THE Walker’s Point Center for the Arts 839 South 5th Street
MORE ABOUT THE SHOW: The Boulevard Theatre premiers acclaimed playwright Johnna Adams’ emotional indictment of the American educational system. This provocative tale tells of a parent-teacher conference gone wildly astray. Adams 90-minute script deftly scrutinizes educational mediocrity in America while cannily confronting the current issues of bullying, teen suicide and adult responsibility. GIDION’S KNOT will be presented at Milwaukee’s Walker’s Point Center for the Arts, located at 839 South Fifth Street (just south of National avenue) []. The intimate physical confines of the Walker’s Point Center for the Arts “Blue-Box” theatre space will serve to both sharpen the play’s impact while reminding patrons of the Boulevard’s former storefront studio space. Celebrated East Coast director/performer Patricia Durante will fly in to direct this Wisconsin premiere. Local actress Nicole Gorski plays the teacher “Heather” in this “roller coaster” of a script that has won raves throughout the country. For more information contact, The Boulevard Theatre This production is a proud recipient of an arts funding award from the prestigious Milwaukee Arts Board.

Concert of Note
Dec 13 & 14, 2014