Feb 21 – April 1, 2012
Directed by: Mark Bucher
This Midwest and Milwaukee premiere intertwines a trilogy of deliciously crafted monologues which reveal the lives of three inhabitants of a small seaside Irish town. Two of the speakers (the melancholy teenager “Joe” and the ‘stay at home’ “Frankie”) are siblings and work in a small family-owned “chipper” (a cafe which serves fish and chips).
McPherson’s skillful writing and rich phrasing creates a poetic portrait of the siblings’ disjointed family. A palpable sense of the isolation each of them feel both in their small village and within their own family emerges and the result is another example of this playwright’s much-praised nuance and skill.
The rakish, jaded boyfriend of their older sister (the handsome, still-rebellious college professor (“Ray”) completes this theatrical triad and McPherson imbues this last character with a briny, caustic humor which entertains even as it scalds. The adventures of this last character are certainly ribald, even bordering on the obscene. Yet McPherson imbues “Ray” and his monologue with a resonant humanity.
While the three speakers recount seemingly mundane events (skipping school, serving the cafe’s customers, and teaching classes) along with some not-so-ordinary events (a drunken assault, a robbery gone askew, and calamitous visit of a rival professor), the sum total of their words and their stories reveal much more of a bounty for the audience than what is expected from a monologue play.
The cast of this Midwest premiere includes R. Lewandowski (“Frankie”), Donald Madden (“Joe”) and Marty McNamee (“Ray”). Rounding out the talented ensemble of the Boulevard production are stage managers Anne Blust & Ericka Wade.
Scenic construction/coordination is handled by local artisan Joe Fransee, with assistance from Jaime Jastrab. Local lighting designer Holly Blomquist contributes her talents to lighting the Boulevard’s intimate space.

May 23 – June 24, 2012
Directed by: Jaime Jastrab & Mark Bucher

Sep 19 – Oct 14, 2012
Directed by: Mark Bucher
The Midwest premiere of noted author and playwright Yasmina Reza‘s delightful comic of a play entitled “LIFE (X) THREE.”
The talented cast and crew of this unusual comedy includes a mix of returning talent along with some new faces to the Boulevard Theatre, including:
Jamieson Hawkins portrays “SONIA,” the forthright and blunt hostess (married to “HENRY”). Ms. Hawkins appeared previously in the Boulevard’s productions of “ALL’S WELL THAT ENDS WELL” and the Milwaukee premiere of “THE SAVANNAH DISPUTATION.” Ms. Hawkins drew reviewers’ praises for her work as the comically-addled yet emotionally troubled religious worker in “SAVANNAH.” Rachel Lewandowski appears as “INEZ,” the rebellious wife of “HUBERT.” Ms. Lewandowski won critical notice for her work in last season’s Milwaukee premiere of “THIS LIME TREE BOWER” and has appeared at the Boulevard in “THE MISANTHROPE” as well as the February, 2011 acclaimed production of “BECKY SHAW,” which was another Wisconsin premiere! Siddartha Varlicharla returns after a hiatus from acting to portray the sharp-edged and prickly husband “HUBERT.” Mr. Varlicharla made his Milwaukee debut at the Boulevard in the sold-out, standing-room-only staging of BEYOND THERAPY and later returned to appear in the Wisconsin PREMIERE of the now-popular ALMOST, MAINE (Boulevard premiered this until-then, little-known work!). Mr. Varlicharla charmed both audiences and critics alike with his portrayal of a love-smitten Midwestern bumpkin who travels the world for romance in the Midwest premiere of that charming play. Joe Drilling makes his Boulevard debut as the hapless “HENRY.” Mr. Drilling has most recently appeared in the national tour of TONY & TINA’S WEDDING as well as many other appearances with local companies.
Stage Manager Donald Madden lends his capable talents to this Milwaukee premiere.

THE ODD COUPLE (staged reading benefit)
July 22, 2012 at Verduras Tea House & Cafe
Directed by: Mark Bucher
Michael Weber (“Murray”), Bill Finn (“Roy”), Robert Kennedy (“Speed”),
Howard Goldstein (“Vinnie”), Jennifer LaPorte (“Gwendoln Pigeon”) and Liv Mueller (“Cecily Pigeon”). Stage directions will be read by actor David Ferrie
and the “ODD COUPLE” reading/benefit coordinator is actress Michelle Waide.
Nov 14 – Dec 2, 2012
Directed by: Mark Bucher