Nov 27, 2021
Directed by: Mark Bucher
Boulevard Theatre offers 2 free shows of a fraternal farce entitled THE BEST BROTHERS on Saturday, November 27 at two separate locations: @ 1 pm (@Sugar Maple Tavern’s back room, 441 E. Lincoln) & 5 pm (@COMEDYSPORTZ’s black box theatre, 420 South 1st Street). Admission is free, but all pandemic protocols will be observed (proof of vaccination, remaining properly masked during the performance). There is also an “invitation only” preview on Wednesday, November 24 at 6:40pm at the Sugar Maple. This enhanced reading (actors at music stands performing the dialogue, narration of light & sound cues) is offered to Milwaukee as a token of appreciation to Boulevard’s loyal friends and supporters, especially during the last 2 years of the pandemic. This engaging reading is directed by Boulevard Artistic Director Mark Bucher and showcases local actors Kyle Conner and Matt Specht as the contentious lead characters while Carole Herbstreit Kalinyen graciously provides narration of all cues and stage directions.

Nuanced Comic Intimacy with the Boulevard
Boulevard Theatre presented a one-weekend only production of Daniel MacIvor's The Best Brothers the day after Black Friday on a couple of different stages.