Dec 26, 2008 – Jan 18, 2009
Directed by: Mark Bucher
The Milwaukee premiere of playwright Victor L. Cahn’s tender two-person comedy ROSES IN DECEMBER. In Cahn’s delightful script, Milwaukee actress Anne Miller (last featured in Boulevard’s February, 2008 sold-out production of CATHOLIC SCHOOL GIRLS) is a graduate student who, in a series of charming letters, persuades a famous author (David Ferrie) to correspond with her. The reclusive writer ended his successful career mysteriously and as the correspondence continues, a puzzle of personalities and parchment emerges.
A marriage of Poe’s THE PURLOINED LETTER and A.R. Gurney’s LOVE LETTERS, ROSES is a witty and poignant feast of language.
Feb 25, 2008 – March 29, 2009
Directed by: Ruth Boulet
Guest Director Ruth Boulet makes her Boulevard directing debut with the Milwaukee premiere of Clark’s saucy comedy which showcases the comedic talents of three wonderful Milwaukee artists: Marion Araujo, Brooke Wegner, and Kathleen Williams.
Three women take the field in a mothers vs. sons soccer game, intending to let their children win. But as they play, the competition ignites a fierce desire to recapture their youthful good-humor, independence and sexiness. The resulting 90 minutes scores with both humor and poignancy.

April 29 – May 31, 2009
Directed by: Mark Bucher
The Milwaukee premiere of local Milwaukee playwright and actress Beth Monhollen’s comedy of waitressing STATIONS OF THE CROSS
As an actress, playwright Beth Monhollen has appeared with many companies in Milwaukee (Late-Night Theatre X, Inertia Ensemble) and has consistently won accolades for her work in roles at the Boulevard Ensemble Studio Theatre, including “Portia” in Shakespeare’s THE MERCHANT OF VENICE, “Philinte” in Moliere’s THE MISANTHROPE and “Emily Dickinson” in William Luce’s THE BELLE OF AMHERST.
A founding member of Milwaukee’s WIND-UP DOLLS THEATRE (an all-women improvisational-based theatre company), Ms. Monhollen performed countless times with that feminist ensemble as well as creating many of its pieces. This production marks the debut of Ms. Monhollen’s writing with the Boulevard Ensemble.
STATIONS OF THE CROSS covers the many comic and not-so-comic aspects of waiting tables. Through a series of monologues which mirror Jesus’ travails of his stations, playwright Monhollen pulls aside the apron to reveal people behind the name-tag. She covers issues of harassment, working conditions and the unique stress of “hospitality” with adroit humor and uncanny humanity.
The ensemble bringing this menu of mirth to life includes Ms. Monhollen, Boulevard Ensemble Studio Theatre Artistic Director Mark Bucher, Scott Dennis, Katie Merriman, Shemagne O’Keefe, Mia Shellenbarger and Kate Sherry. The production will enjoy the stage management talents of Paul Madden and Norman Gaulin.

July 29 – Aug 29, 2009
Directed by: Mark Bucher
The Milwaukee premiere of New York playwright Douglas Carter Beane’s skewering comedy of success AS BEES IN HONEY DROWN.
This sassy delight tells the tale of a mysterious young widow seducing an innocent writer and teaching him lessons about life, success and the cynical side of celebrity.
This fast-paced romp features Milwaukee actors Marion Araujo, David Geisler,
Melissa Keith, Tom Mertz-Dillon, Anthony O’Malley, Kate Sherry, and Ericka Wade.
Sep 30 – Nov 1, 2009
Directed by: Mark Bucher
Milwaukee actor David Ferrie portrays America’s most famous lawyer Clarence Darrow in Rintels’ sterling script (based on Clarence Darrow for the Defense, a novel by esteemed author Irving Stone), which dramatically recounts the life and times of the “legal eagle” who gained notoriety and fame through a series of inflammatory trials such as the Scopes’ “Monkey Trial” in which Darwinism and arguments of evolution threatened to rock America. Darrow also served as defense counsel for the infamous Leopold and Loeb murder trial, which incited Chicagoans to cry for the death penalty for the two young men accused of brutally murdering a defenseless young boy.
Mr. Ferrie is certainly no stranger to Milwaukee audiences and is an old friend to the unique challenges of playing a large role. He has appeared with the Boulevard in the title role of Brian Friel’s great three-character play THE FAITH HEALER and won accolades for his work in that production as well as charming audiences with his musical talents in Boulevard’s standing-room-only production of Stephen Sondheim’s SIDE BY SIDE BY SONDHEIM. Mr. Ferrie has worked with the Skylight Theatre, Archangel productions and many other Milwaukee theatre companies. His appearance in Gardner McKay’s “two-hander” SEA MARKS earned him critical praise from Milwaukee Journal Sentinel theatre critic Damien Jaques. He last appeared with Boulevard in last season’s popular production of Victor Cahn’s two-person script ROSES IN DECEMBER, winning bouquets of praise for his sensitive portrayal of an embittered author.
Jaime Jastrab, local actor and director, brings this moving and entertaining script to dramatic life after winning praise for his work on Boulevard’s festival of David Mamet plays (November, 2008), including THE DUCK VARIATIONS, DARK PONY, and REUNION.
Norman Gaulin serves as stage manager and Boulevard’s Artistic Director serves as producer for this Milwaukee premiere.

Nov 25, 2009 – Jan 2, 2010
Directed by: Mark Bucher
Durang’s biting, dark comedy puts the “fun” back into “dysfunction” in his tale of a newlywed bride (Bette) and her loving but tippling groom (Boo) as they struggle to sail the rough seas of matrimony. Besides the challenge of trying to start a family, Bette & Boo must handle their respective families, which contain a controlling matriarch, a sadistic father-in-law, a snide sister-in-law and other “odds & ends” relatives from “God’s junk drawer of humanity.” And don’t forget the parish priest who performs an imitation of bacon at the drop of a hat!
Boulevard’s stellar cast (in alphabetical order) includes: Michael Chobanoff (Paul Brennan, Bette’s father), Ken Dillon (Boo Hudlocke), David Flores (Father Donnally/Doctor), Christine Horgen (Soot Hudlocke, Boo’s mother), Caitlin Kujawski (Joan Brennan, Bette’s sister), Paul Madden (Matthew Hudlocke, Bette & Boo’s son), Anne Miller (Bette Brennan Hudlocke), Heather Reynolds (Emily Hudlocke, Bette’s sister), Michelle Waide (Margaret Hudlocke, Bette’s mother), and Michael Weber (Karl Hudlocke, Boo’s father).